How to Stake

What is ONI-BNB LP Farming?

In return for providing liquidity to PancakeSwap, you will receive so-called ONI-BNB LP Tokens directly into your wallet. You can think of them as a kind of “pawn stamps” that you can use to reclaim your provided ONI-BNB liquidity.

How can I use the ONI-BNB LP Farming?

Here is a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to use the new LP Farming feature:

Step 1: Visit Farm Website & Connect Wallet

Visit the website and click on the “Connect” button to connect your wallet to the website:

Step 2: Select the ONI-BNB LP Farm

Click on the ONI-BNB LP Farm element in the list:

Step 3: Enable the Farm

Now you need to activate the LP farm just once in order to allow it to use your ONI token. For this, a little BSC gas fee is required.

Step 4: Provide Liquidity to get ONI-BNB LP Tokens

Click on the button “Get ONI-BNB LP”:

The link will redirect you directly to PancakeSwap.

On PancakeSwap, click the button “Connect Wallet” and select the wallet you want to use. Then, enter the amount of BNB/ONI that you want to stake to provide liquidity. Afterward, click on the “Enable ONI” button and confirm the transaction. Similar to Step 3, you need to allow PancakeSwap just once to use your ONI token. The transaction should cost a few cents in BNB gas fees.

After you have entered the amount of ONI/BNB you want to provide to the liquidity pool, please click on the “Supply” button and confirm with “Confirm Supply”:

Now click on “Add Cake-LP to MetaMask”:

Now you will see your received Cake-LP (ONI-BNB LP) in your MetaMask Account! You can think of them as a kind of “pawn stamps” that you can use to reclaim your provided ONI-BNB liquidity from PancakeSwap.

Step 5: Stake your Received ONI-BNB LP Tokens

Now go back to, and click on the “Stake” Button:

In the appearing pop-up, please use the slider, the “Max” button, or the “Stake” input field to select how many of your LP Tokens you want to stake. Then, please read & accept the Terms & Conditions and the Risk Disclaimer, and then click “Confirm”:

Done! 🎉

Now your ONI-BNB LP Tokens are staked in the ONINO Farm for 30 days. After the 30 days staking period has expired, you can unstake your LP Tokens to reclaim your provided liquidity from PancakeSwap, or you can leave them in the farm to continue receiving rewards 🚀

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask for support in our friendly Telegram community 💙

We thank you for being a part of the ONINO project!

Your ONINO Team

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Important Notice: The ONI token, currently issued on the BNB Smart Chain, is intended to serve as a preliminary token until the launch of our proprietary blockchain network. In its present state, ONI token holders may participate in our preliminary “ONINO Farms” as a means of familiarizing themselves with the staking process, receiving staking rewards, and serving as a “Pre Validator Staking Registration Network.” This preliminary phase is designed to help support token holders in accumulating the necessary amount of tokens needed for staking on the launched network, ultimately fostering true decentralization by enabling a greater number of individual people to become network validators. It is crucial to understand that this preliminary staking mechanism is solely designed as a precursor to the genuine, native staking that will be implemented upon the successful deployment of our own network. Once the network is operational, the ONI tokens will be migrated to the ONINO blockchain, where they will serve as the native tokens and support network stability through native staking. We strongly emphasize that the current mechanism is solely an interim measure, leading directly to the fully functional network-perpetuating staking.

Last updated